This is a limited edition serigraph cel from "King of the Hill". King of the Hill is an animated series created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, that ran from January 12, 1997 to September 13, 2009 on Fox. It centers on the Hills, a small-town Methodist family in Arlen, Texas. It attempts to retain a realistic approach, seeking humor in the conventional or mundane aspects of everyday life. This sericel features Arlen, Texas' favorite citizen and salesman for propane and propane accessories, Hank Hill. Along with Hank are his friends and neighbors, Dale, Boomhauer and Bill in their favorite meeting place...the alley. Inspired by Season 3 episode title "Pretty Pretty Dresses". Bill laments over the divorce 7 years earlier from his beloved Lenore by wearing her clothes. The guys stand by their man!
Image Size: 10.5" x 12.5"
Framed Size: 18" x 20"
Edition Size: 750
Framed | Unframed | |
Shipping to the Continental United States or Canada | $35 | $25 |
Shipping to the United Kingdom, France, or Germany | $150 | $95 |
Shipping to Australia or New Zealand | $150 | $95 |
For any other shipping locations, please contact us for a custom quote.
All prices in US Dollars
Serigraph cels are created by silk screening each individual colour onto the acetate cel, one at a time. Each serigraph cel contains anywhere from 10 to 50 colours. This time-consuming process results in a beautiful piece of art which faithfully reproduces the colours and details of the original.
Produced in limited editions of between 1000 and 7500, serigraph cels offer the most affordable entry into collecting animation fine art.